
Last updated: November 16, 2020

Here we provide a step-by-step guide on how to use AMBER to search Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The task is to predict a set of 919 binary labels of epigenetics markers on a 1000-bp DNA sequence.

You can follow the tutorial in real-time using Google Colab. Link to be inserted.

This tutorial assumes you are working on a hpc cluster with Linux environment, with at least 64GB of storage and 16GB of RAM.


Update the dataset to reduced size; i.e. use a toy example instead of the full data.

Setup and Download

Please install AMBER using our tutorial here.

The pre-compiled training/validation/testing data for 919 epigenetics regulatory features can be found here: http://deepsea.princeton.edu/help/ Be sure to download the Code + Training data bundle (3.7G).

Once downloaded, you can use the following Python code snippet to read the *.mat files. This code snippet can also be found in my GitHub repository deepsea_keras.

import h5py
from scipy.io import loadmat
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def read_train_data(fp=None):
    fp = fp or "./data/train.mat"
    f = h5py.File(fp, "r")
    y = f['traindata'].value
    x = f['trainxdata'].value
    x = np.moveaxis(x, -1, 0)
    y = np.moveaxis(y, -1, 0)
    return x, y

def read_val_data(fp=None):
    fp = fp or "./data/valid.mat"
    f = loadmat(fp)
    x = f['validxdata']
    y = f['validdata']
    x = np.moveaxis(x, 1, -1)
    return x, y

def read_test_data(fp=None):
    fp = fp or "./data/test.mat"
    f = loadmat(fp)
    x = f['testxdata']
    y = f['testdata']
    x = np.moveaxis(x, 1, -1)
    return x, y

Next it’s time to design the model space.

Design the Model Search Space

We will write a function to render model space that hosts Convolutional Neural Networks. Note that you can freely change these parameters, such as kernel_size and activation.

To see a list of available Operation arguments, check out here: https://amber-dl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/amber.architect.html

def get_model_space(out_filters=64, num_layers=9):
    model_space = ModelSpace()
    num_pool = 4
    expand_layers = [num_layers//4-1, num_layers//4*2-1, num_layers//4*3-1]
    for i in range(num_layers):
        model_space.add_layer(i, [
            Operation('conv1d', filters=out_filters, kernel_size=8, activation='relu'),
            Operation('conv1d', filters=out_filters, kernel_size=4, activation='relu'),
            Operation('maxpool1d', filters=out_filters, pool_size=4, strides=1),
            Operation('avgpool1d', filters=out_filters, pool_size=4, strides=1),
            Operation('identity', filters=out_filters),
        if i in expand_layers:
            out_filters *= 2
    return model_space

Define AMBER components and specifications

This is the eseential part of running AMBER. First, define the components we need to use.

type_dict = {
    'controller_type': 'GeneralController',
    'modeler_type': 'EnasCnnModelBuilder',
    'knowledge_fn_type': 'zero',
    'reward_fn_type': 'LossAucReward',
    'manager_type': 'EnasManager',
    'env_type': 'EnasTrainEnv'

There is a growing number of components in AMBER. One can easily access them by parsing a string of their names.

Next, some basic information of the training data.

wd = "./outputs/AmberDeepSea/"
if os.path.isdir(wd):
input_node = Operation('input', shape=(1000, 4), name="input")
output_node = Operation('dense', units=919, activation='sigmoid')
model_compile_dict = {
    'loss': 'binary_crossentropy',
    'optimizer': 'adam',

model_space = get_model_space(out_filters=8, num_layers=6)

Note that the model space has been simplified for running with in Google Colab; again, feel free to tune it as long as resources permit. Keep in mind that the model space grows exponentially with the number of layers and convolutional kernels.

Finally, we can parse some details about this AMBER search.

specs = {
    'model_space': model_space,

    'controller': {
            'share_embedding': {i:0 for i in range(1, len(model_space))},
            'with_skip_connection': True,
            'skip_target': 0.4,
            'kl_threshold': 0.01,
            'train_pi_iter': 10,
            'buffer_size': 1,
            'batch_size': 20

    'model_builder': {
        'dag_func': 'EnasConv1dDAG',
        'batch_size': 1000,
        'inputs_op': [input_node],
        'outputs_op': [output_node],
        'model_compile_dict': model_compile_dict,
         'dag_kwargs': {
            'stem_config': {
                'flatten_op': 'flatten',
                'fc_units': 925

    'knowledge_fn': {'data': None, 'params': {}},

    'reward_fn': {'method': 'auc'},

    'manager': {
        'data': {
            'train_data': train_data,
            'validation_data': val_data
        'params': {
            'epochs': 1,
            'child_batchsize': 512,
            'store_fn': 'minimal',
            'working_dir': wd,
            'verbose': 2

    'train_env': {
        'max_episode': 20,            # has been reduced for running in colab
        'max_step_per_ep': 10,        # has been reduced for running in colab
        'working_dir': wd,
        'time_budget': "00:15:00",    # has been reduced for running in colab
        'with_input_blocks': False,
        'with_skip_connection': True,
        'child_train_steps': 10,      # has been reduced for running in colab
        'child_warm_up_epochs': 1

Run AMBER search and Understand its Outputs

Now construct an instance of Amber and hit run.

# finally, run program
amb = Amber(types=type_dict, specs=specs)

This will run till the time_budget runs outs, or the max_episode reaches, whichever comes first. In this toy example, we only train child_train_steps=10 for a maximum of 20 controller steps, with a time limit of 15 minutes. Thus, it should finish running pretty quickly.