
Laste updated: November 16, 2020

If you find AMBER useful in your work, you can read more in depth from the following work:

1. An automated framework for efficiently designing deep convolutional neural networks in genomics. Z Zhang, CY Park, CL Theesfeld, OG Troyanskaya - bioRxiv, 2020.

2. Neural Architecture Search for Joint Optimization of Predictive Power and Biological Knowledge. Z Zhang, L Zhou, L Gou, YN Wu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.00337, 2019.

3. AMBIENT: Accelerated Convolutional Neural Network Architecture Search for Regulatory Genomics. Z Zhang *, EM Cofer *, OG Troyanskaya - Proceedings at Machine Learning in Computational Biology (MLCB), 2020. (*: contributed equally and ordered randomly)